Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Snowed In

Mother Nature ROCKS! Most people in our neck of New Hampshire would beg to differ today...well maybe not snow plowers (these guys make big bucks), ski bums, and my fellow school teachers. Either way, the 14 inches we are predicted to accumulate over the next 24 hours has some pros and cons. For starters I get to spend a day snowed in with the hubby and the pup, do a few chores around the house, cook delicious food, and most importantly FINALLY start this blog (PRO). On the other hand, I would have been happier to not have to pay another plowing bill this winter seeing as it's already March and the first day of spring is around the corner (CON). Unfortunately I will have to make this day up at school in the spring which means we could go into July at this point. Mark (the husband) has continued to shovel the path outside our door and bring wood down from the barn to keep us nice and toasty. Whatta guy.

 Our log cabin stays nice and warm thanks to our high end wood stove, which the previous owners installed. We don't use much else to heat the house. My parents are in Las Vegas so they left us their super cute lady pup "Z" for the next two weeks. Z comes and visits us often, especially during the summer when we live/work at an all girls sleep away camp...Camp Huckins. Her and Jasper, our dog/pony, get along great and keep each other (and us) entertained.  

Jasper in Z's bed. 

One of my favorite things to do is to cook. I love to bake delicious goodies as well as slave over full savory meals in the kitchen. When it comes to buying ingredients I can be a bit of a food snob. I love to buy organic, and although it is expensive I truly believe that it's worth every penny. Buying local is another thing I try to do as often as I can, whether it's snagging produce from a farm stand or buying a six pack of Tuckermans brewed right here in town. Lately I've been particularly addicted to this brand of ginger beer (no booze in this beauty).

This morning I experimented and made my first ever quiche. I followed a few basic recipes but in the end I went in my own direction...as I normally do. I think it came out pretty great! Here it is along with the recipe.

  • 6 Farm Fresh Eggs
  • 1 Cup of Milk
  • 1/3 Cup of Sour Cream
  • 2 Ounces of Goat Cheese
  • 1/2 Cup of Shredded Jack Cheese
  • 7 Crispy Slices of Bacon
  • 1 Large Handful of Spinach
  • 1 Pie Crust

Pre-heat the oven to 375 degrees. Combine the eggs, milk, and sour cream and blend together well. Stir in the jack cheese and set aside. Chop the bacon and the spinach and then sprinkle the mixture in the bottom of the pie crust. Then crumble the goat cheese on top of the spinach and bacon. Stir the egg mixture one more time and then pour into the pie crust. Some of the spinach etc. may rise to the top but no need to worry. Bake for 45 minutes and then voila...QUICHE! 

Overall today was a very productive day. I can't wait for all of the fun blogging to come, but for now au revoir from the Cadman cabin.