Our Family

The Cadmans

Maxine (Max)

2nd Place in the Skillet Throwing Competition
at The Blue Ribbon Fair...Trying to acclimate
That's me! The author of this blog. I am originally from the Boston area and have a BFA in Art Education. Unfortunately art teaching jobs are few and far in between especially up here in the woods of New Hampshire. I never planned to move out to the boonies but then again love takes you places you never expected. I met my lovely husband in 2009 when we worked together as sports field directors at Camp Huckins. You could say it was love at first sight. I grew up attending camp way up there every summer for 7 years until I decided to take a break. 5 Years later I returned only to fall head over heels in love with a guy from England, Mark. We got married on a rainy day at the end of September in 2012 with all of our closest friends and family at the place where it all began, Camp Huckins. Camp is near and dear to my heart in many ways and I am extremely fortunate that every year we spend a good half of it living there. It is our dream one day to run a camp together. Until then, I get to teach a rambunctious group of high school students career preparedness, life, and leadership skills while organizing community service and fundraising events. I also coach the varsity girls tennis team and the varsity volleyball team. I do consider myself an artist but lately I feel more like a crafter. I love to spend hours in my studio making things for the house or just make anything my creative heart feels like. I also love to cook, swim, and listen to a good book on tape. I have a healthy obsession with mermaids. Enough about me...


The British husband who hails from a land known as Telford located in the midlands of England. No one has Most have never heard of it but it's close to Birmingham. Mark first made his debut in America in 2005 working as an aupair for the male staff kids of Camp Huckins. He moved up the ladder becoming the sports field director in 2006 and then settled in the US full time after the summer of 2009 working as an intern at the camp's office during the fall/winter/spring months. In 2011 he was promoted to program director and proposed to Max under the stars. That fall Max left the city life and they moved in together to a cozy apartment. Mark skypes often sometimes with his family back home in England and visits about once a year with Max.

Jasper and Ollie
The part dogs part ponies are our fur babies. We welcomed Jasper into the family with loving arms in November of 2011. Jasper originally comes from Texas and was rescued from the evil euthanize-ers at one week old. We are told that he is part lab and part hound which would account for his enormous size. He was transported up to New Hampshire via car which is why we think he HATES them. Who wouldn't after that long of a car ride! Jasper is a pretty mellow dude and truly has an old soul for a 2 year old pup. He is NOT a morning "person" and we usually have to coax him out of bed every day. He wont even get up and come down stairs if he smells cooking bacon.
Ollie is our newest addition. A good friend of ours sent us a text with a picture of an adorable puppy that her brother had. His two amazing dogs; one a St. Bernard/Lab and the other an English Shepard fell in love and had babies. We couldn't resist! On a sunny August day I traded a bottle of pino noir for our little Ollie. He is still a baby and learning but he has a great personality and is very loving.
Jasper and Ollie love each other and NEVER stop playing. It's great that they have each other while we are at work. All in all we love them to the moon and back and we are proud to call ourselves doggy parents.   
 (the blue on Ollie's face is paint which he ate off my pallet) 


Flo, short for Florence, is our Chicken. Her and her sister Shirley were given to us as wedding presents.  We named them after two of our grandmothers. Sadly her sister was eaten by something earlier this year so she is a bit lonely at the moment. She still hasn't laid an egg yet so we'll see how long she stays in the coop before heading to the pot. Taking care of a chicken is obviously a clear effort on my part to adapt to country living, and although I don't love having her at times...I'll just leave it at that.   UPDATE: WE HAVE 3 MORE CHICKENS!!!

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