Sunday, February 2, 2014

Sunday Funday Fitness Goals

Another weekend gone. Boo hoo back to work.  On the bright side, apparently we may get a snow storm on Wednesday which would be amazing because I could spend the day on the slopes.

For some time now I've been telling myself that I really need to start a regimented exercise plan. It's not just about losing some weight but also I've been feeling really out of shape lately. Since we are still actively trying for baby Cadman, shedding a few pounds could really help our chances too. Some of my future posts will be about some of the new changes I will be making to make a healthier lifestyle for myself.

The hubs and I want a treadmill because we both love to run. However with the mortgage due we don't really have money right now to buy one that would last.

Ever since I tried cross country skiing a couple of years ago I've wanted a set up for myself. I love  down hill but nothing beats a nordic workout. I went to our local sports consignment store and the awesome woman who owns the place got me all set up with a nice vintage pair of skis, boots, and poles for 47 bucks! They're aren't anything special but they work like a dream. Since the pond we live on is super frozen and attracts snowmobilers I have plenty of nice trails all carved out for me. I went out for a little while this afternoon and boy did I work up a sweat! I can't wait for tomorrow when I can really go out and cruise for a good hour.

I HIGHLY recommend this for anyone who lives around snow and is looking for a new workout. Especially since it was cheap, 47 smacks!  

...Oh and did I mention it's about 350 calories burned for every half an hour!

Funky socks felt appropriate.

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