Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Three Muffins One Box

On Sunday night I was feeling ambitious so I decided to make breakfast for the rest of the week. I'm an oatmeal girl through and through but I do have a soft spot for muffins. I decided to whip up a batch for me and the hubs for the week. I bought a box of muffin mix because I wasn't ambitious enough to do it from scratch. Being gluten intolerant, it can be hard to find the right kind of flour mixture that tastes great. Being that it was a last minute decision to make muffins in the first place, the box was going to have to do. Don't judge. I wanted to use random fruit I had laying around the kitchen instead of buying extra ingredients and spending money I don't need to.

As I was mixing the mix I thought that it would be pretty sad to eat the same damn muffin every morning. SO I came up with a solution.

First I separated the completed mix into three equal parts.

For the first mix I added about 4 tablespoons of Nutella. I then poured the Nutella muffin mix into a lined muffin tin, 4 compartments to be exact. Then, I thinly sliced some strawberries and layed them on top.

For the second mix I added half a cup of cranberries and half a cup of dried coconut.

The third was kind of a mash up of sorts. I really wanted a snickerdoodle type muffin BUT I had a banana that was starting to rot so I felt obligated to use it. So I ended up mashing the banana and adding it to the last bowl of mix with a handful of walnuts. Then I sprinkled in some cinnamon and dished it into the remaining empty compartments on the muffin tray. While the muffins were baking I made a brown sugar and maple sugar mix. Once the muffins were done and still hot, I lightly rolled the banana muffins in the sugar coating. So I ended up with a banana maple snickerdoodle muffin.

There you  have it... three muffins one box.

Happy Tuesday!!

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