Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Well we just got back from an AMAZING trip to England and Paris. It's so hard to sum up all the amazing things that we got to see and do. We spent most of our time in England with the hubby's family. He is originally from the mother land so when we go "home" to visit, it's always filled with so much love from all of his friends and family and of course food. His parents love to cook big meals for the big family and its always fun for me to get to indulge in some english cuisine. Yes...sometimes that does mean a tikka or another curry dish. We also got to go to Paris to visit my grandmother and help her celebrate her 50th year living in Paris. She threw a huge black tie party in true parisian style. It was so much fun getting all of our family together in the city of love.

Paris truly is the city of love. The beau and I spent hours upon hours walking the small streets of paris holding hands all the way through. Even though the weather was somewhat crummy, it being late December, the city was absolutely beautiful and romantic. Paris holds many memories of my childhood. Starting at a very young age, my parents would take my brother and sister and I there to visit my grandmother. It also reminded me of how much I miss living in the city and being able to walk to the nearest coffee house and sit for hours people watching. Now a days I "snowmobile watch" out of my kitchen window. Not as exciting.

My sister walking the streets with us.

Cafes cafes everywhere! Since it was chilly, heat lamps were above the outdoor tables so you could still enjoy the fresh air.

Color inspiration

My beautiful sister looking very Parisian.

Taking a cafe au lait break during one of our long walks.

The Eiffel Tower of course.

This was in England...well done silly coffee shop. 

Overall it was definitely a trip to remember. So sad that its over but I can't wait til next year when we go back again for new years for a BIG family wedding. 

Back to real life friends.

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